Arts of War and Peace (ISSN currently in review) is an on-line interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal of LARCA at Université Paris Diderot, edited by Mark Meigs and Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec, from the Olympe de Gouges Building, 8 rue Albert Einstein, 75013 Paris (Bus 62, 64, 89, Tram3, Metro line 14, RER C). Our postal mailing address is: Arts of War and Peace at LARCA / Université Paris Diderot / Bâtiment Olympe de Gouges / case 7046 / 5 rue Thomas Mann / 75025 Paris cedex 13 / France.
We thank our readers, contributors and peer reviewers — especially those who take an active role in the review as members of the Editorial Board: Clarisse Berthezène (LARCA), François Brunet (LARCA), Daniel Jean (LARCA), Jennifer Kilgore-Caradec (LARCA/Université Caen Normandie), Mark Meigs (LARCA), Angelika Schober (Université de Limoges/EHIC, Espaces Humains et Interactions Culturelles), and Michael Taugis (LARCA/Université de Poitiers).
In addition the following colleagues are sincerely thanked for their assistance in providing quality peer reviews of articles destined for publication in Arts of War and Peace: Claire Bowen (Université Le Havre), Cathy Parc (Catholic University of Paris), Michael Rotenberg Schwartz (New Jersey City University).
Special thanks to our webmaster Selma Ahmed-Chaouch for excellent technical assistance in upgrading our site. For prior technical assistance, our gratitude goes to Philippe Dupuy.